Monday, December 15, 2008

December 15, 2008

Pastor Balio had a mission emphasis for the weekend, and the members of Maranatha, Spanish Church 1 and Lawndale, had an inspiring Sabbath at Huntington Valley Adventist Academy.

Pastor Balio had a mission emphasis for the weekend, and the members of Maranatha, Spanish Church 1 and Lawndale, had an inspiring Sabbath at Huntington Valley Adventist Academy.

Vernon Bramble, HVCA School Board Chair came by to welcome the churches and encourage all families to consider Christian Education for their children.

Pastor Balio led the Sabbath School time through the Fruits of the Spirit, by inviting all the gathered members to nominate different members as to which Fruit of the Spirit they had. Then he divided up the entire assembly to one of 9 groups representing the different Fruits, for prayer and encouragement.

Pastor Balio led the Sabbath School time through the Fruits of the Spirit, by inviting all the gathered members to nominate different members as to which Fruit of the Spirit they had. Then he divided up the entire assembly to one of 9 groups representing the different Fruits, for prayer and encouragement.

I was invited to give the Sabbath morning worship message, entitled, “Give Away Your Church,” based on Mark 10 and the story of the Rich Young Ruler and Jesus’ invitation to him to join the mission of Jesus.

In the afternoon I conducted a brief seminar. Part of that was an exercise where 8 different groups were formed around a particular church ministry. Each of these groups then brainstormed on how that particular church ministry was to be about reaching the lost.

Approximately 340 members were there on Sabbath morning.

December 8, 2008

Last Wednesday, December 3, the Pennsylvania Conference Executive Committee met at Blue Mountain Academy in the Leadership Classroom, which is across from the ABC in the Industrial Arts Building. One of the main items of interest was a preliminary report by our Cost Analysis consultant, Vernon Bramble, as he is drawing together pertinent data in preparation for a report on Laurel Lake Camp.

As we broke for lunch, Rob Gettys, BMA principal, took our Executive Committee on a quick tour of the BMA Bathroom project.

Here you see some of our Executive Committee examining the project as Rob Gettys describes the progress so far.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

November 15, 2008

Jeanne and I had several appointments in Western Pennsylvania. Enroute, we stopped in Everett to view the newest Arise and Build Church project. Although it was evening, the church makes a very attractive presentation to the community surrounding it.

Elder Bob Snyder showed us through the building.

I believe the Everett Church is one of the best Arise and Build Church floor plans to this date in Pennsylvania. It is very well thought out and spacious.
The Sanctuary will not be ready for occupancy for a few months yet.
In the meantime the church will be able to use the fellowship hall, as occupancy for that part of the building has been granted.

Some of the Children’s classrooms are very attractive. A church member is painting a scene of Jesus preaching from the boat, adapted from the My Bible Friends children’s story book

A number of non-Adventist men (some of them relatives of members) have come out to assist Elder Snyder with the on-going work issues in the building. Most of these men do not attend church anywhere. One has started attending and it is possible others will in the future when the services start. Elder Snyder is planning on conducting evangelistic meetings in the church in 2009.

November 3, 2008

Bill Peterson, our Assistant to the President for Mission coordinated the PA Conference Church Planting summit which was held in the Allentown Seventh-day Adventist Church on November 1.

Tom Evans from the Texas Conference and Paul Hunt were the two primary presenters.
Pictured here, from left to right are: Bill Peterson, PA Conference Assistant to the President for Mission; Tom Evans, Church Planting Coordinator for the Texas Conference; Paul Hunt, Pastor and Church planter in the Texas Conference, Paul Wasmer, Pastor of the Allentown Church; and Ray Hartwell, President of the PA Conference.

I joined for most of the Sabbath presentations and excellent material on Church planting was shared by Tom Evans.

We have enough potential that a church plant could be started in the Allentown area.
Other leaders of Church plants from different areas of the Conference also attended this Church Planting Summit.

October 20, 2008

Bill Peterson and I joined the Pocono Grace Church plant on a beautiful Fall Sabbath. The happy occasion was the service where this Church plant was officially organized as a congregation of the Pennsylvania Conference. We will be presenting them to the next Constituency Session in October 2009.

The leaders of the church invited the Lutheran Pastor of the church they are renting from and expressed their appreciation for the Lutheran Church’s willingness to provide them the space to worship in.

As in any Church Organization service, I went over the complete fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with the entire audience of members and guests. Later, the Lutheran Pastor remarked that she now had a better understanding of the Christian and Biblical beliefs of Adventists, and there was no doubt in her mind that the Adventist Church was not a cult.

The Lutheran congregation has dwindled down to the point that the congregation is being folded into other Lutheran congregations in the area, and this church family will cease to exist.

The church building is being sold.

Our Adventist church family would like to purchase it. Although two other church groups came forward and offered quite a bit more money for the building than our church was able to offer, the Lutherans were very favorable toward our Church group and have indicated their desire to sell the building to us. The purchase will need to be finalized in December, 2008. Please keep Pocono Grace Seventh-day Adventist Church family in your prayers for the purchase of this building.

If you would like to contribute to this building purchase, you may send a contribution to the Pennsylvania Conference and mark it, “Pocono Grace Building Fund.”

September 22, 2008

Our PA Conference Fall camp meeting was held again this year at Laurel Lake Camp.

Elder G. Edward Reid was our featured speaker.

A number of people from across the Conference came for the weekend to hear the inspiring messages he shared.

One of the special features we enjoyed was hearing the Church Choir from the Pittsburgh SDA Church. Here I am visiting with one of the Choir members, Dr. David Ombengi. Dr. Ombengi is a Doctor of Pharmacy, has an MBA and a MPH.

While at the PA Conference Fall camp meeting it is a good time to enjoy warm fellowship with Church members from across the Conference and from various churches.

Some gathered around tables over lunch in the cafeteria

and others share a picnic outside.

The Williamsport Men’s quartet had our concert in the evening and what a blessing in song that inspired our hearts.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Recently, there has been an e-mail circulating around to many of our members and pastor team which I have also received, speaking of a total financial meltdown, the declaring of martial law, the influence of foreign bankers, time to move to the country right now, "I have an inside government contact who will tell me when things will be desperate," buy gold, etc.
I was contacted by one of our Pastors and asked for a response.
Attached is a conversational response that I have sent to our pastor, and I am also sharing it with you. This is not a "for publication" response, but rather a more personal thoughtful reflection, and I am willing to let you in to my heart at this time.
If you should have thoughts or comments on this, please feel free to share them with me.

These things will happen at some point. Panic will not solve or fix these issues, or help God's people go through them. The counsel for God's people is first of all, to be tied tightly to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. And to determine to serve Christ, no matter what the externals are. The experience of Job illustrates that. He lost everything, and even his wife was urging him to "curse God and die." Yet Job clung to our Faithful Heavenly Father.

Economics cannot be allowed to drive our spiritual beliefs and values. We trust God above all else. The experience of countless Christians and SDA in other countries also testifies to us now in America, that political, social and economic issues must not be allowed to pull us away from our trust and faith in God. Trust in God, is the bottom line issue, in the last days, is my conviction!

Now to speak a little more directly to some of the issues in this e-mail.

1. America is over-extended financially as a government, as a country and as individuals. As individuals, we cannot have much effect on our government and country (financial institutions, businesses and neighbors), but as Christians and as stewards of the Sovereign Lord, we should individually "put our house in order." EGW had urged Adventist Christians to "shun debt like the plague." I believe that is excellent counsel. As a steward of God's means, I should not borrow above my means to live. Outside of a home mortgage, I would counsel Adventist Christians to immediately sit down together as a family/couple and make a plan to reduce spending on unnecessary items, and pay off all consumer debt. Credit cards, line of credit, 2nd mortgages, etc. Next or alongside of that, plan spending to be only for those necessary items. Save, save, save through regular saving vehicles and seek to have 3-6 months living expenses in a liquid savings plan. Don't give up because you don't have that or it will take too long. Begin today. Each day of implementing this plan is another day stronger. At camp meeting, we are inviting Art Randal to teach again his course on personal and family financial management for Christians. Other courses I recommend would be anything by Crown Financial, which is the group that was led by Larry Burkett, and excellent Christian Financial Counselor. G. Edward Reid has excellent materials available through the ABC, entitled, "It's Your Money, Isn't It?" which can be used in the local church as a class or seminar. It has video presentations and then workbooks.

2. Do seek God's counsel and direction daily. Proverbs 3:5,6, Isaiah 40:28-31, Luke 18:1, and many other Bible texts urge us to look to the Lord and not rely on self for the answers to the conditions around us and to the course of action we should take.
3. Panic drives panic and drives bad decisions. To just pick up and move out right now, without clear guidance of the Lord, will compound problems and issues for your family.

4. Just moving to the wilderness right now, with no clear plan for how to provide for food and shelter, will be worse than remaining where you are, until the Lord clearly indicates it is time to move. G. Edward Reid and others have pointed out the counsel from EGW that indicates that after a National Sunday law is passed, there is still a diligent work to do for the cities and people surrounding us. After a death decree is added to a national Sunday law, it is time to seek quiet and secluded places away from the centers of population.

5. When times of distress come, as they may at this time, it is a time for Adventist Christians to stand up and present Christ and Him crucified as the only hope of this world, and to present "the truth as it is in Jesus." Right now, former Adventists are earnestly publishing and promoting
A. The concept of Grace and the gospel that "does away with the law" or a portion of it. And are decrying Adventism as being "only legalism."
B. The change of the Sabbath and the non-validity of the Biblical Sabbath on the 7th day.
C. The immortality of the soul and contradicting the Biblical view of "the soul that sinneth, it shall die" or soul sleep until the resurrection.
EGW clearly indicated that in the last days, Sunday sacredness and the immortality of the soul would be the two major falsehoods that would deceive the Christian world, lead it astray, and would be used to attack Adventist Christian Biblical stands.
Right now Dale Ratzlaff, former SDA pastor is publishing a magazine and sending it to as many Adventists as he can, with these specific positions. Other former SDA pastors, leading growing churches, are promoting Sunday, disagreeing with the Biblical position on the state of the dead, and accusing Adventist beliefs as being legalism. This is clearly in line with what EGW said would happen to the Adventist position in the end of time.

6. Adventist Christians would do well to prepare for times of distress, by not only getting out of debt, and adding to liquid savings, but also holding the mindset that when the Lord wraps things up here in earth, and when conditions become extremely stressful, we will not be able to run and hide, stockpile goods and food, and quietly ride out the storm. Our trust must be in God, rather than a stockpile of gold or silver, a bunker full of food, or a stockpile of guns and ammunition to defend the food, gold and silver.

7. Instead, Adventist Christians are to be encouragers and helpers to all those around them. We are to urge people to put their trust in Jesus (John 14:1-3). And we need to be prepared to quietly assist those in need around us. Not only with prayer, but perhaps with food and shelter as times toughen.

8. Whether or not martial law is declared, and whether or not there are riots, and whether or not banks or institutions close, again, we are to turn our hearts to God, and in prayer, ask Him what He would have us do.

9. We need to remember that, in trusting in Jesus, our salvation is sure. Our future is secured. Everyone on this world will have trouble. But Jesus has overcome the world, and He is coming quickly.

10. While I could talk further about whether or not there is some financial conspiracy, something that involves the "Illuminati" or some other group of shadowy bankers and wealthy families from many generations, the truth is that we have less to fear from that, than we do from the evil one attempting to use fear to drive us to let go of our hold on Jesus Christ and every word of the testimony of Jesus in the Bible.

11. I would preach Revelation, Bible Prophecy and the call of Jesus to the world in these last days, right now. Not as something to sensationalize or scare people. But to share how the Bible does teach specifically about last day conditions and issues, and Satan's strategy -- so that we will fully rely on Jesus Christ and depend on Jesus Christ and serve only Jesus Christ. Our people would do well to know these things, but merely knowing last day events and conditions does not give a competitive edge in staying alive or financially ahead of the non-Christians. It is given to us so that our full faith and trust will be in Jesus and so that we will encourage others to make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior and to be looking with joy for His second coming.

Let me know if this was helpful and if there are others things we can ask God for wisdom to share with our people during these days.


Comments received so far:

Hi Ray,
I think your response is balanced and what people need to hear. Thanks for sending this out.

Hi Ray,

Thanks for the email. I especially appreciate the point made in #10
10. I could talk further about whether or not there is some financial conspiracy, something that involves the "Illuminati" or some other group of shadowy bankers and wealthy families from many generations, the truth is that we have less to fear from that, than we do from the evil one attempting to use fear to drive us to let go of our hold on Jesus Christ and every word of the testimony of Jesus in the Bible.


Good Morning Brother Ray

I just received one of those magizines from Dale Ratzlaff, We need to pray for this man, not his ministry but for him, I can only imagine how many people will be duped into believing this message of the devil and turn from Gods true Law. May the Holy Spirit open their eyes before it's to late!!!

As for your letter, WELL SAID. I believe the Spirit gave you the right words to print, and I praise Him for it.

Hi Ray,

I guess I'm a little in the dark on this matter. I have not received the email you referenced. If you still have it, could you forward it to me.

Though I've not read this specific email, all of us have been bombarded over the years with this mind set. Every time something shakes the financial, natural or geo-political world, the end has come for many Adventists. Forty eight years ago JFK was THE sign that the end had come when he, the first Catholic president, was elected. So, without knowing specifics, your response was right on. Expressed clearly.

I might add that the mentality to "head for the hills" is the same mentality the disciples displayed when Jesus was arrested. They entered into their time of trouble but instead of remaining dependent on the Holy Spirit and being a good witness for Christ, they fled and their witness was one of cowardice. That's the same witness I believe this brand of Adventist gives. The concern is for self-preservation at the expense of the masses, who, without our witness, stand a good chance of being lost. That is something that Jesus nor His true followers would never condone. Converts are never made by running away from the battle.

That said, a constant "watch and pray" attitude should be the hallmark of our experience in the last days. Being educated in world affairs is prudent, along with a settled, abiding faith in the One who will see us through the darkest times of earth's history.

Blessings to you,

thanks ray for allowing us "into your heart and mind"

i must agree with most of what you say (not implying that i disagree with anything. you just wrote a lot and i read it quickly). we must stockpile our trust in Jesus - and not guns or supplies...while it is good to plan - if we have and others don't they will take from us...and what will we do shoot them>>>???

i appreciate your emphasis on responsible financial living - something our nation knows nothing about...and unfortunately the high cost of our education has caused most sda's to be in consider financial debt...
and to be encouragers and sharers...God has richly blessed our little congregation with strong financial and giving of time. we sing his praise and do long for his return...but think it exciting to live in these times...we must NOT preach out of fear but a real relational knowledge of Christ.
blessings in ministry & thanks again for your time,

Brother Ray
Thanks for the encouraging message, my prayers are with you and your family as we face these times together.
Your brother in His service

P.S. Your notes on the current events response are so timely.

God is allowing us to prepare ourselves and others, and he is faithful to us.

God bless,
Ray Hartwell

Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 13, 2008

Jeanne was invited to be the Family Life Sabbath speaker at the Kenhorst Church in Reading, and I had the privilege to accompany her.

She spoke of the family tree, starting with Abraham and how his family was called to follow God. And then she shared that part of God’s promise to Abraham was that through him all families of the earth would be blessed. To illustrate the desire of God to bless our families and our family trees, Jeanne shared the “One Another” texts from the scripture.

With each text, a balloon was tied to a bare tree, until it was full, giving a visual reminder how our family tree can be filled with the scripture call of the “One Another” texts.

Adjacent to the Kenhorst Church is Reading Junior Academy.

At the end of last school year, the school installed a brand new, highly representative sign.

During the worship Service, church elder Clarence Wilson introduced Anna Keeney and her husband Leroy Kenney. Last year Anna joined the Kenhorst Church. Recently, Clarence finished presenting a Prophecy Seminar in the Keeney home to a small group. At the end, Anna’s daughter Nicole and her husband requested baptism. They will be baptized in October and join the Kenhorst church

After the worship service, I was standing next to Clarence when a young woman came up and asked Clarence if he would be willing to come to her home where a neighbor would like to study the Bible with a small group in her home. Pastor Mike McCabe has been encouraging members to share the scriptures with interested people in the surrounding community.

Another encouraging feature, was to see how the Kenhorst Church includes young people in the worship service. The son of Lee and Wendy, Josh was the piano player for the entire service, and plays very well.

Pastor Mike McCabe is doing an excellent job leading the Kenhorst Church. He has been giving specific vision for the Kenhorst Church to be a Mission Intentional Church.

I will be giving some aspects of a Mission Intentional Church in future blogs.