Recently the volunteer lay pastor, Joe Weigley led out in a series of meetings with materials from evangelist David Asherick.

Here is Joe standing by the recently added prayer tree in the church sanctuary. There are specific names on the leaves on this tree, that represent those individuals the church family are praying for.

Joe told me of plans for 2 evangelistic meetings during this year. Joe has encouraged another lay person to join him for the next meetings and they will alternate with the preaching.
Then I drove down to Carlisle, PA, and joined Juan Lopez and the PA Conference Hispanic Pastors at the weekend long, “Festival of the Laity.” Elder Reuben Ramos of the Columbia Union has led out in developing and presenting a “School of Theological Disciples,” which has been training lay leaders for ministry and mission. This Sabbath approximately 75 members graduated from the 1st course.

Among the graduates was lady whose daughter is a member of the Reading Spanish church, but she herself is not a Seventh-day Adventists. This weekend, this lady graduated from the School of Theological Disciples and will soon be joining the Adventist Church.

Elder Lopez invited me to have the message for the service. I shared the message from Luke 9 and 10, where Jesus sent out His disciples and then Jesus sent out the 70 others. Then I shared from Acts 1 and 2, which was Jesus graduating His disciples from their first school of instruction by being with him physically while He was on earth, to now being the teachers themselves as Jesus through the Holy Spirit worked through them.

Elder Ramos gave a closing appeal and there were some precious individuals who came forward during this service, to give their hearts to Jesus.