I was invited to conduct a reaping series of meetings with the Lehigh Valley Spanish church March 14-21. The opening message was on the Great Controversy theme, and my heart was once again stirred as I had the privilege of presenting this wonderful and comprehensive message of the plan of salvation and the soon return of Christ. Other topics through the week covered the gospel, signs of the second coming, the resurrection, the Sabbath, baptism, the millennium and the new earth, etc. On the last Sabbath afternoon, after 12 or more baptismal candidates from the Lehigh Valley Spanish Church and the Easton Spanish Church plant were baptized by Pastor Montalvo, he gave an appeal from the baptistery. I estimated 18 people came forward in answer to the invitation to plan on baptism in the future, including family and friends of those baptized that day. Elias Saud did a good job conducting meetings in Easton at the same time of the meetings at Lehigh Valley Spanish.