Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lewisburg Church becomes the Milton Seventh-day Adventist Church and Moves into their own building.

November 13, 2010

Ten years ago, one of the first church plants to be organized into a church in quite some time, was the Lewisburg Church Plant. Elder Mike Cauley and I, along with Will Peterson, participated in a beautiful service of organizing them from a company into a full fledged church in the Pennsylvania Conference.

Since that time in 2000, members of the Lewisburg have worked diligently under the leadership of lay pastor, Kerry Stahl.
Conference evangelist Lynnwood Spangler held meetings in Lewisburg in the National Guard Armory. Several lay lead evangelistic meetings were conducted by various members, including a series of youth evangelistic meetings. Other mission activities were conducted. And the church grew.

Over the years, different possible locations for the church to establish a mission center to work out of were considered. Some were too far away from the target population. Others were not within the price range of the available resources, and still others did not have facilities that were laid out ideally.

Recently, a church in Milton moved on to a different facility and offered their building for sale. This building was in good repair and on a well-known street in Milton. Floyd Dare worked with our congregation and obtained a sale price that was below the asking price and that enables our congregation to save some money for a few basic repairs that were needed.

November 13, 2010 was the first Sabbath our former Lewisburg SDA Church family, and now the Milton SDA Church family could meet in their recently purchased building, and it was the same Sabbath they had scheduled for many months in advance to celebrate their 10 year anniversary.

Students from the Williamsport SDA Church School took part in the program, repeating Psalm 100 and also providing a music number.

I shared the morning worship hour message and then Will Peterson and I joined the church family for lunch. In the afternoon was a dedication service. Due to a prior appointment, I had to leave early from that service, but Will Peterson stayed on with the happy church family.
Here is a picture of the present leaders of the Milton SDA Church, joined by Elder Will Peterson on the left and Pastor Tom Grove on the right.

Friday, November 12, 2010

“Real Leaders”

President’s Blog
November 12, 2010

“Real Leaders”

Recently an Adventist Conference President shared with me a quote from Heifetz and Laurie, authors of a current book on leadership. I am turning over the quote and its implications in my mind. Here is what it says:

“Followers want comfort, stability and solutions from their leaders. But that’s babysitting. Real leaders ask hard questions and knock people out of their comfort zones. Then they manage the resulting distress.”

Yes, we are creatures of habit. We actually usually prefer the status quo. We don’t want things upset. Often we want things better, without any change required from us.

And yet, when I read in the Bible, whenever God called a man or a woman to a significant work, a ministry, a prophetic office or to deliver His people, it always involved change. It always involved, in some way, calling or knocking people out of their comfort zones. Just think with me of the life of Abraham – called to leave everything familiar and go out, “not knowing where he was going,” the scriptures say. Noah, called to build an ocean-going ship for an event never seen before and never contemplated by anyone else except by the God of heaven who revealed the calling to Noah. Elijah—sent to Ahab to announce there would be no rain, without even knowing that this would last 3 years. David sent to face Goliath with only 5 stones, and a challenge to the entire army of Israel that one with God could be a majority. Esther called to enter the court of the King with the law pronouncing death on anyone who ventured in unbidden. Moses called to lead untrained, unorganized and often unwilling multitudes of former slaves away from the most civilized nation and the most efficient army of that world.

So, I invite you to think about this quote with me. What do you think about real leaders? Feel free to share a comment on this blog.

Oh yes,…Happy Sabbath!

Thursday, November 4, 2010



October 29-31, seven individuals comprising Pennsylvania Conference educators and their spouses joined me at Laurel Lake Camp for our optional Educator’s Spiritual Retreat.
We focused our time in prayer, reflection, Bible study and fellowship. Some of the key spiritual materials we used for focused study and reflection were: Psalm 100; Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, page 101; Christ’s Object Lessons, page 299-300; and He Has Made Me Glad by Ben Patterson.

As part of the spiritual reflection we did, each of us wrote our own paraphrase of Psalm 100. Here is what I shared with our retreat participants.

“Everybody! Get excited about the goodness of the Lord.
Fill the whole land with boisterous noise for Him.
Do everything you can for Him.
And do it with a glad heart.
In fact, practice being in His presence with music in your heart and songs of joy and praise from your mouth.
Continuously dwell on the fact that God is sovereign and mighty—the only God.
Remember, you and I are made by Him—intentionally, intelligently, and independently from any ability of our own.
We are cherished by Him, valued and cared for as precious family.
So—every chance we get—let us come to Him with thanksgiving and thankful hearts.
In fact let’s go to His house just to tell Him how good He is.
Every time we use His name, remember all His goodness with unending gratitude and honor.
Lord—You are truly the best.
There is no end to Your mercy.
Your words and actions are true and trustworthy to all people of all ages.
There will never be a time when You are not that which is accurate, dependable, faithful and completely righteous.” Psalm 100, Hartwell paraphrase.

Writing a paraphrase is not at all to take the place of the Holy Scriptures (even though Jack Blanco’s paraphrase, called the Clear Word Bible is very popular with a number of Adventists). Writing a paraphrase of a portion of scripture is one way to reflect and ponder the meaning of the Holy Word of God and how God might apply it to you and your life.

As part of our time, we gathered for quiet worship in the LLC Lodge.

One of the popular features of this meeting place, was the opportunity to gather around a warm fire in the fireplace.

Our educators in attendance expressed great appreciation for this time to grow, pray and enjoy God’s presence.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Conference Leadership Staff appointments in Western Pennsylvania

Sometimes our Church members question if our Conference Staff ever visits our Western Pennsylvania Churches or events.
Listed below are a number of the appointments that our Staff have filled in the Western Pennsylvania area. This is not totally exhaustive, but gives an example of the ministry activites we often join in with our Western PA Churches. A number of churches or local leaders may not realize that the Pastor, the Church or the local ministry leader may invite any of our Conference Leaders to take part in a church service or a training opportunity in a local church and usually that is how the majority of our appointments come about -- through invitation.

Western PA Conference Appointments
Preaching, Meeting with Key Leaders, Leadership Training, and Events for Members

January 2009
January 10 Ray Hartwell -- East Suburban church

February 2009
February 27 Ray Hartwell -- Pittsburgh church
February 27 Ray Hartwell -- New Castle church

March 2009
March 7 Tamyra Horst – Everett church sermon and seminar

April 2009
April 17, 18 Ray Hartwell -- Evangelistic Meetings, New Castle
April 19 Ray Hartwell -- Pittsburgh board meeting
April 19-May 2 Ray Hartwell -- New Castle Evangelistic Series
April 26 Ray Hartwell -- Laurel Lake Camp
Ray Hartwell -- Mt. Jewett
Ray Hartwell -- Derrick City

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009
July 18 Barry Tryon -- Pittsburgh church, sermon
July 18 Barry Tryon -- New Brighton church, sermon

August 2009

September 2009
September 3 Ron Christman -- Town Hall Meeting – Williamsport
September 18-19 Ray Hartwell, Barry Tryon, Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth, Jeanne
Hartwell, Tamyra Horst, Lilly Tryon – Fall Camp Meeting
September 20 Barry Tryon, Ron Christman -- Town Hall Meeting, Erie
September 20 Barry Tryon, Ron Christman -- Town Hall Meeting, Pittsburgh
September Jeanne Hartwell -- visiting people with Bob and Amy Williams

October 2009
October 17 Ron Christman -- Carnegie church service
October 18-20 Ray Hartwell --- Pastors’ Spiritual Retreat at LLC
October 25-27 Ray Hartwell, Barry Tryon, Kris Eckenroth, Dave Morgan and
Tamyra Horst -- Laurel Lake Camp Conference Leadership Retreat
October 24 Ray Hartwell -- Pittsburgh ShareHim Rally
October 30-31 Tamyra Horst -- fall women’s retreat at Laurel Lake

November 2009
November 14 Barry Tryon -- Mon Valley church, sermon
November 14 Barry Tryon -- Uniontown Hilltop church, sermon
November 14 Barry Tryon -- Washington church, sermon
November 20-22 Ray Hartwell -- Teachers’ Spiritual Retreat at LLC

December 2009

January 2010
Jan-June Jeannette Dare -- Erie Church Community Service Outreach
January Kris Eckenroth – Pathfinder Winter Retreat at Laurel Lake
January 16 Tamyra Horst – Indiana church, sermon
January Dave Morgan – Erie

February 2010

March 2010
March 13 Barry Tryon -- Carnegie Church Plant
March 20 Ron Christman -- Lowville church, sermon
March 20 Ron Christman -- Erie church, sermon
March Will Peterson -- Pioneer End Time Evaluation

April 2010
April 10 Tamyra Horst -- Derrick City church, sermon
April 17 Ray Hartwell -- W PA Church Boards
April 18 Ray Hartwell -- W PA Church Boards
April 24 Ray Hartwell -- W PA Church Boards
April 25 Ray Hartwell -- W PA Church Boards
April Kris Eckenroth -- Laurel Lake Camp

May 2010
May 30 Ray Hartwell, Jeanne Hartwell -- Washington Heights sermon and
Marriage Seminar
May Will Peterson -- Carnegie Adventist Fresh Expressions

June 2010

July 2010
July 10 Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth -- Derrick City church, service
July 11 Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth -- Derrick City, townhall
July 11 Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth – Erie, townhall
July 15 Tamyra Horst -- film at Shamokin Mission Group
July 18 Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth – Indiana, townhall
July 18 Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth – Pittsburgh, townhall
July Kris Eckenroth – Greater Pittsburgh Metro Ministries
July Kris Eckenroth – 3 visits to Laurel Lake Camp
July Dave Morgan – Erie

August 2010
August Kris Eckenroth – Laurel Lake Camp

September 2010
September 12-14 Jeanne Hartwell -- Pastors’ Wives Retreat
September 17-19 Ray Hartwell, Jeanne Hartwell, Kris Eckenroth, Will Peterson, Ron
Christman, Tamyra Horst, Nancy Stickney, Floyd Dare, Jeannette
Dare -- Fall Camp Meeting
September 19-21 Ray Hartwell -- Pastors’ Spiritual Retreat

October 2010
October 10, 11 Ray Hartwell, Ron Christman, Kris Eckenroth -- Pathfinder Camporee, LLC
October 16 Ray Hartwell, Ron Christman, Will Peterson – Everett
October 22-24 Tamyra Horst -- fall women’s retreat, Laurel Lake Camp
October 22-23 Ray Hartwell, Will Peterson – ACS Greater Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Church,Greensburg, East Suburban
October 29-31 Ray Hartwell -- Teachers’ Spiritual Retreat, LLC
October Kris Eckenroth -- Everett

November 2010
November 20 Ray Hartwell—Washington, Mon Valley, Uniontown

December 2010
December Kris Eckenroth, Impact Pittsburgh youth event