After taking part in the Columbia Union Conference Officers Retreat, and learning great lessons from the Reformation with all the Union Officers and other Conference Officers at the end of April and first of May, Jeanne and I spent a week of vacation with her parents who are in the mid-70’s.
It was a joy to have personal time with these two special people.

On returning back, I had the opportunity to visit with the Derrick City, Mt. Jewett and Warren Churches regarding a change in district alignment so that these 3 churches are now under that pastoral leadership of Elder Lynn Gatz.
I have also visited with the Erie Church district as we process calling new pastoral leadership there. On the return from Erie, I spent some significant time at Laurel Lake Camp with Gary and Denise Moran.
This past Sabbath, Pastor Chris Buttery had invited me to preach at Montrose, Tunkhannock and
Beaumont Churches.
There is a good spirit and attitude in these churches between the church families and Pastor Buttery.
The Beaumont Church had a Pathfinder Investiture program for Sabbath School, preceding the church service. Joseph and Sandee Marr, along with Ruthie Sizemore have been the principal leaders along with assistance from others. Ernie and Faye Blachek, as Pathfinder Regional Directors did a fine job encouraging the Pathfinders and giving them support.

A surprise donation was made at the
Beaumont Church by the local Church Treasurer,
Linda Schneider, who herself donated half the money needed to install a much needed new roof on the church.
The Congregation sang the doxology and the Pastor had tears in his eyes.
Also, at Beaumont Church, I met a lady whose mother was a pastor/evangelist here in the Pennsylvania Conference and raised up several churches in the Northeast part of the state, including the Beaumont and Kingston churches.
At Montrose, they have been conducting a Community Wellness Supper Club, with a number of guests attending. I was told that at least 5 guests are coming regularly to a Revelation Class now.
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