The desired target community of Shoemakersville is where Anchor Point members would like to see a new congregation. In July, Ron Goff, lay leader for Anchor Point, the mission group made a request of the township to meet in a building in Shoemakersville. The township officials denied the request without giving a clear reason. At church this Sabbath, Ron shared that the day after the denial, he had been with his parents-in-law for their 50th anniversary. While with them, he learned the story of the “Riverwalk” in the center of San Antonio, TX, a beautiful downtown region of inter-connected wandering canals, walkways, trees, plants, stores, office buildings, hotels and restaurants that has become an attractive tourist destination, and makes center-city San Antonio one of the most attractive downtown regions in the country. When the engineer who was the architect and had the vision for the Riverwalk first proposed it to the city in 1929 no one thought is was a good idea. However, in 1939 WPA funding was offered for the engineers concept and work was begun on the Riverwalk. When the Riverwalk was completed, the engineer’s firm was the only business/office located on the Riverwalk and it wasn’t until 1946 before the second office was located there. Today, anywhere along the Riverwalk is prime real estate.
Ron’s observation to the Anchor Point group today, was that it was just one day after the township denied the Church Plant approval to meet at the location they had requested, he learned the story of this engineer who had the vision for
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