During the worship service, the Church Elders joined me as we conducted an ordination service for 1 Elder, 2 Deacons, and 2 Deaconesses.

In the afternoon, I had the privilege of spending some time with Volunteer Lay Pastors Mike Knapp and Tyler Kruger. Mike reported to me that 4-5 years ago the average Sabbath morning attendance was about 30-40. Presently, the average Sabbath morning attendance is 80-100. Hershey is one of 3 churches that are completely led by a Volunteer Lay Pastor. The Lebanon, Pleasant View and Hershey Churches, being led by dedicated, competent lay people, are enabling us to start a new work in the Pittsburgh region, which currently is the least entered metropolitan region/city in North America with the Adventist message. So many members of the Hershey church are willing and dedicated to taking up various ministries and responsibilities, much as Ellen White outlined that churches should do, to enable pastors to evangelize other regions. And God has blessed the Hershey Church. I appreciate the leadership of Mike Knapp and Tyler Kruger in Hershey.

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