Sabbath, March 7 I was invited to the Stroudsburg Church for a special Sabbath of dedicating the new Church Officers and Ministry leaders for the coming year. My sermon for the worship hour message focused on the Leadership examples for a Christian leader found from the life of Moses.
In Patriarchs and Prophets I read:
“Moses was fitted to take pre-eminence among the great of the earth, to shine in the courts of its most glorious kingdom, and to sway the scepter of its power. His intellectual greatness distinguishes him above the great men of all ages. As historian, poet, philosopher, general of armies, and legislator, he stands without a peer.” p. 246.
After the worship hour message, we had an ordination service for two new church elders and a new church deacon.
In the afternoon I met briefly with the elders.

Then later, I introduced Pastor James Clark as the new district pastor for the Stroudsburg, Easton, Poconos Grace and Hope Fellowship churches and church plant. Pastor Clark’s primary responsibilities will be spiritual leadership for the Stroudsburg and Easton Churches, and directing and coordinating the work of the lay leaders who are responsible for the Poconos Grace church and the Hope Fellowship Church plant. Pastor Clark has a wealth of experience. He taught Bible and religion for 14 years in Greater New York Academy and had the privilege of seeing 36 of his students later enter the full time gospel ministry. He has been the pastor/leader of churches with a wide range of multi ethnic memberships, and he has led in several successful church building and fund-raising projects. He is a committed evangelist and mission leader. And we are blessed to have him join our Pennsylvania Conference Ministry Team. Pastor Clark comes to us from the Northeastern Conference.
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