November 22, 2009
This weekend I spent with a group of our PA Conference Educators at Laurel Lake Camp and Retreat center conducting a Spiritual Retreat. What a great group of people! We are privileged to have them caring for our young people’s Christian Education.
We practiced focused Bible study, prayer, journaling and a discipline of silence for 14 hours each day, in order to come apart from the press of the world, and listen for the leading of God through prayer and meditation. (See chapter 38 in Desire of Ages, “Come Rest Awhile”)
There is something profound about stopping all the routine activities, all the motions and actions, all the sounds and duties. Something freeing about letting go of anxieties, cares and concerns, and just being still in the presence of God. Jesus invited His disciples to do that, and He encourages us to do the same.
While at the retreat, we read the entire Chapter 38 from Desire of Ages, as a group, each person reading a paragraph out loud to the rest of the group, and then meditating and/or commenting on it.
We also focused our attention over the 3 day span on John 15:1-17, going over and over that passage, seeking new insights, or listening carefully to catch each message and meaning.

We had the delight of having Missi with us, who is a young lady from the Church Plant in Carnegie, PA She accompanied Mayda Clark, who is planting with her husband, Andres. Missi is not a Seventh-day Adventist. Her home has not included attending church more than just once in a while. Yet she has a heart for God and a desire to share what she is learning about Jesus. You might think that a teenager would find this kind of retreat boring. But she participated fully and gave some wonderful spiritual insights during our group times with the Bible.
Several teacher spouses attended, and they found the time just as enriching and fulfilling.
I myself, found the blessing of walking quietly in nature, sitting still to pray and reflect, and reading the scriptures followed by journaling the thoughts God brought to mind to be a watering of my soul.

Next year, we are planning another Spiritual Retreat. One for pastors on a Sunday-Tuesday schedule, and another for educators on a Friday-Sunday time.
1 comment:
Digital Illusion is a Christian retreat center PA that is perfect for everyone who would like to take time to reflect with the way they are living their lives and if what they are doing gives glory to God. This is the best time that they submit their whole self to Him and learn to walk on His ways from then on. Living a life according to what God wants is very difficult but spending your time in this Christian retreat center in PA will serve as your motivation for following His steps. Take time to spend time with the Lord now and you will never regret it.
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