March 6, 2010
Elementary Music Festival
It was a joy to attend portions of the Pennsylvania Conference Elementary School Music Festival held at Blue Mountain Academy. Tracy Enoch, the BMA recruiter has been the overall coordinator for the Elementary Music Festival this year. Eric Engen and Hector Flores have participated with many elements of the programming. Each of our BMA Elementary schools are represented.
Before the worship service began, I joined the BMA students for Sabbath School in the gym. Carlos Abreu, a BMA Board Member and student parent led a very engaging lesson study with the Academy student body while the elementary students practiced in the Church.
On Sabbath morning, it was wonderful to see 200-250 students crowding the choir area of the BMA Church as they sang 3 songs for Divine worship.
Craig Ziesmer, principal tells me that already a student from New Jersey, who is here this weekend, has declared his intention to attend BMA next year. One of our elementary school principals was telling me that one of the 8th graders wasn’t sure he wanted to participate and attend the music festival over the weekend. So the principal said, “For anyone who wants to stay home and not attend music festival, the assignment is to write a 2 page report about each of 15 music composers.” She said that the student thought about it and then decided that he wanted to attend music festival and he would like it! As I talked with her, she said he really was having a good time and was glad he came.
After church 2-3 BMA students talked with me and shared about their desire to be accepted as ministry workers at the Laurel Lake Summer Camp program this year.
I am so happy for the multiple ways our Conference works with young people, and the many teachers, camp staff, youth workers and family members who give ministry to our Adventist young people every week.
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