June 27, 2010
Most of the today’s session business dealt with revision and new additions to the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual. This work is significant since it is only at a General Conference that the Church Manual can be revised or added to. Also, the World Church members have a great interest in the Church Manual, since across the World Church, each Division, Union, Conference and local church all use and look to the same Church Manual. So even when simple things are being proposed, frequent discussion will come to the microphone from all different Divisions, to be sure we understand how this or that point in the Manual will affect the work in that local area.
Then, finally, the delegates are able to come to a vote in the issue and we proceed to the next suggested revision.
Before lunch, I had some extra time as the business session ended a little early. This gave a good opportunity for me to spend some time in the NAD prayer room, which Ruthie Jacobson has prepared. What a blessing to sit in a quiet corner and spend some significant time in prayer.
Today at lunch, Jeanne and I found ourselves sitting at the lunch table where we had the privilege to meet Pastor Frederick Paul from the southern area of India, near Bangalor. We are likely inviting him to speak in the Philadelphia Boulevard Church, or some other church in Philadelphia on August 7 in the evening. He will have much to share about the Seventh-day Adventist work in India. Also, he will share how Christians are being severally persecuted, injured and even killed by Hindus.
After lunch, Jeanne and I happened to meet Don and Marti Schneider on our way out. Marti and I discussed the possibility of having the next NAD SEEDS Church Planting Conference take place during our Pennsylvania Conference Camp Meeting. It is way too early to know whether that might be a possibility, but it is something we can all pray about and seek God’s leading.
Tonight, the 2 Divisions that gave their mission reports were the East Central Africa Division and the Euo-Asia Division. Both Divisions reported wonderful growth. Across Russia and wonderful amount of growth is taking place.
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