July 1, 2010
Shock and dismay rocked delegates as the Thursday morning business session of the General Conference handled Church Manual revision issues. At the time we dealt with the section dealing with marriage, the proposed revision stated from the front was, “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female.” When this revision was put before the body, delegates were stunned and shocked when a delegate from the Netherlands, in the Trans-European Division moved an amendment to recognize loving monogamous relationships, intended to recognize homosexual marriage. Delegates hurried to the microphone to express their convictions. After delegates spoke to the issue of the amendment to recognize homosexual relationships and marriage, the delegates overwhelmingly voted down the amendment. Among delegates was wide-spread dismay that such an amendment would even be offered on the floor of the session.
After that amendment was voted down, delegates returned to the main motion, whereupon an amendment was offered to word the proposed statement as: “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous consenting adult, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female.” The desire of this proposed amendment was to speak to the issue of child marriages, or arranged marriages. This amendment passed.
With this amendment made, the original proposed statement then came to the floor for a full vote in the modified state. Much discussion ensued as to the legal definition of “adult” in various countries, and also how in some countries, young adults under the legally defined age of “adult” can marry with the consent of their parents. GC Legal Counsel personnel suggested this motion not be voted, in order that more study could be made as to the legal impact if this exact wording would be used.
For that reason, the motion was voted down.
Then the initial motion, stating, “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female,” was moved by the delegates, and this wording was voted by all the delegates in session.

As we walked the halls of the General Conference session, Jeanne and I met Bryce Pascoe and his wife. Bryce is about to retire as the secretary of the North Pacific Union. He started his ministry in the Shadyside Church in Pittsburgh, PA. He went on to pastor the McKeesport/Greensburg district, the Montrose/Tunkhannock//Beaumont district and to serve as Conference Health Director while working at a health center in Philadelphia, PA.

The new General Conference Ministerial Director for the world field is Jerry Paige, former president of the Pennsylvania Conference. His wife, Janet, has been elected as the Shepherdess International Director. Many of us know and love Jerry and Janet and have been blessed by their ministry. We wish them every blessing of God as they lead the World Church Ministerial Department. Jerry replaces Elder Jim Cress who died unexpectedly November 2009.

Another delegate from Pennsylvania to the 59th Session of the General Conference, is Bill Oblity. His wife Mercy, was able to accompany him. They are members of the Indiana, PA Church and Bill serves on the Columbia Union Executive Committee. It is a joy to meet him and chat for a few minutes most days, as we pass each other.

Each morning, the delegates from the Columbia Union meet for 15-20 minutes in one of the Conference rooms of the Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel where the NAD has assigned rooms for us to stay. Neville Harcombe and Seth Bardu give us a report of actions, sometimes behind-the-scenes dynamics, and also a preview of upcoming actions to take place during the present day’s business session. Dave Weigley, our Columbia Union President would prefer to be with us to give us these updates, but he has been selected to serve on the General Conference Nominating Committee, and that Committee starts its work fairly early in the morning and continues on through the day.

Another guest at session that I met was Hazel Singleton (on right) and her friend from the Havertown, PA, Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is good to see various members from the Pennsylvania Conference here at GC session.

While visiting the exhibition area before eating lunch, Jeanne and I noticed that one of the popular booths featured a rock climbing wall at the Union College location. Actually, Jeanne wants to come back wearing her jeans and try the rock climbing wall herself!

Another area in the exhibition area includes a HOPE TV set and audience seating area, where HOPE TV broadcasts live material frequently, while the GC Session is not meeting in the main auditorium. As we were standing there, Lonnie Melashanko, former speaker for the Voice of Prophecy was being interviewed “live, on camera.” HOPE TV provides excellent Adventist programming across the world via satellite.

July 1, 2010
Shock and dismay rocked delegates as the Thursday morning business session of the General Conference handled Church Manual revision issues. At the time we dealt with the section dealing with marriage, the proposed revision stated from the front was, “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female.” When this revision was put before the body, delegates were stunned and shocked when a delegate from the Netherlands, in the Trans-European Division moved an amendment to recognize loving monogamous relationships, intended to recognize homosexual marriage. Delegates hurried to the microphone to express their convictions. After delegates spoke to the issue of the amendment to recognize homosexual relationships and marriage, the delegates overwhelmingly voted down the amendment. Among delegates was wide-spread dismay that such an amendment would even be offered on the floor of the session.
After that amendment was voted down, delegates returned to the main motion, whereupon an amendment was offered to word the proposed statement as: “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous consenting adult, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female.” The desire of this proposed amendment was to speak to the issue of child marriages, or arranged marriages. This amendment passed.
With this amendment made, the original proposed statement then came to the floor for a full vote in the modified state. Much discussion ensued as to the legal definition of “adult” in various countries, and also how in some countries, young adults under the legally defined age of “adult” can marry with the consent of their parents. GC Legal Counsel personnel suggested this motion not be voted, in order that more study could be made as to the legal impact if this exact wording would be used.
For that reason, the motion was voted down.
Then the initial motion, stating, “Marriage, thus instituted by God, is a monogamous, heterosexual relationship between one male and one female,” was moved by the delegates, and this wording was voted by all the delegates in session.
As we walked the halls of the General Conference session, Jeanne and I met Bryce Pascoe and his wife. Bryce is about to retire as the secretary of the North Pacific Union. He started his ministry in the Shadyside Church in Pittsburgh, PA. He went on to pastor the McKeesport/Greensburg district, the Montrose/Tunkhannock//Beaumont district and to serve as Conference Health Director while working at a health center in Philadelphia, PA.
The new General Conference Ministerial Director for the world field is Jerry Paige, former president of the Pennsylvania Conference. His wife, Janet, has been elected as the Shepherdess International Director. Many of us know and love Jerry and Janet and have been blessed by their ministry. We wish them every blessing of God as they lead the World Church Ministerial Department. Jerry replaces Elder Jim Cress who died unexpectedly November 2009.
Another delegate from Pennsylvania to the 59th Session of the General Conference, is Bill Oblity. His wife Mercy, was able to accompany him. They are members of the Indiana, PA Church and Bill serves on the Columbia Union Executive Committee. It is a joy to meet him and chat for a few minutes most days, as we pass each other.
Each morning, the delegates from the Columbia Union meet for 15-20 minutes in one of the Conference rooms of the Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel where the NAD has assigned rooms for us to stay. Neville Harcombe and Seth Bardu give us a report of actions, sometimes behind-the-scenes dynamics, and also a preview of upcoming actions to take place during the present day’s business session. Dave Weigley, our Columbia Union President would prefer to be with us to give us these updates, but he has been selected to serve on the General Conference Nominating Committee, and that Committee starts its work fairly early in the morning and continues on through the day.
Another guest at session that I met was Hazel Singleton (on right) and her friend from the Havertown, PA, Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is good to see various members from the Pennsylvania Conference here at GC session.
While visiting the exhibition area before eating lunch, Jeanne and I noticed that one of the popular booths featured a rock climbing wall at the Union College location. Actually, Jeanne wants to come back wearing her jeans and try the rock climbing wall herself!
Another area in the exhibition area includes a HOPE TV set and audience seating area, where HOPE TV broadcasts live material frequently, while the GC Session is not meeting in the main auditorium. As we were standing there, Lonnie Melashanko, former speaker for the Voice of Prophecy was being interviewed “live, on camera.” HOPE TV provides excellent Adventist programming across the world via satellite.
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