Last Sabbath, I attended Church at the Trinity Temple SDA Church in Newark, NJ, as part of the Columbia Union ASI Chapter meeting, at the invitation of Denise Hayden, the Columbia Union ASI President.
While there, I renewed acquaintence with a Seminary professor of mine, Dr. Norman Miles, who is the current pastor of Trinity Temple. Before going out of the platform for the worship service, (which begins at 12 noon) and for which Elder Dan Jackson, President of the North American Division of SDA was the speaker, we met in the Pastor's study/office.
On the wall of the office, among the certificates, hung this little plaque.
"For God so loved the world He didn't send a committee."
While this may bring a smile to our face, especially as we think of the amount of time spent in Committee work, sometimes with a questionable amount of real action as a result, the quiet reflection on the message of this plaque is profitable.
God didn't send a committee. God didn't send all the heavenly host. He didn't send the leaders of the angels. He didn't send the 4 and 20 elders. There was not a heavenly council to decide who the best group of heavenly beings could be that might communicate God's love and rescue planet earth and the human family.
The outstanding and mind-boggling truth is....
God came Himself!
No Committee action. No delegation that was authorized to stand-in for God.
Just as in Revelation 21:4 it says that "God will wipe away every tear..."
And in Thessalonians 4:16 it say, "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout...And the dead in Christ shall rise first..."
The plan and act of Salvation for each human member of the family of Adam, is so totally personal, and so totally all encompassing of God's complete time, attention and self-sacrifice.
It is God Himself, that has totally given all that He is, all that He has, and all that heaven can contain, just for the salvation of you and just me.
When we fully grasp that, when we come to know the totality of our Heavenly Father's commitment and gift to us, uniquely for us, personally for us, then and only then, do we begin to relish the chance to grow and live a transformed, revived and holy life. A life worthy of the calling. A life that reflects back the commitment made for our salvation, by fully giving up self for the Selfless One.
For God so loved the world He didn't send a committee. Hallelujah! He came Himself.
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