Monday, July 12, 2010



God has truly answered the prayers that many of us have been praying for several months. Several of our Pennsylvania young people have been sharing in the last couple of days how much they themselves have grown spiritually. One of our young persons said, “I came here to help these people, but I think the purpose for my coming was for my own spiritual growth.” Others have echoed similar thoughts. Tonight, we preached on the 2,300 days and the time of the end and the day of judgment. It was wonderful to watch and participate with our PA young people as they worked through the topic material and discussed with different ones of us adults, just what this sermon meant and how best to present the material.

Each morning we meet for worship and prayer time. This worship and prayer time lasts almost 1 hour and most of that time is spent in the group praying out loud together. Each person ends up praying at least 1 time, and many people pray more than once. What a powerful time this group worship and prayer time has become.
Following that, we spend time sharing our experiences from the night before, what unusual things occurred at someone’s site, or what the local church or group did, what we learned, what we saw, or how we handled something. This is also a time we share questions and coach each other with suggestions and things we found helpful. Day by day, this group is experiencing God at work right before their eyes and right inside of them personally.
Some in the group are already talking and praying about the meetings that they will be conducting in Pennsylvania. If you could be here, you would be thanking the Lord for our Pennsylvania young people, and their participation and growth in the life and mission of Jesus. Hearing these kind of comments is worth all the time, effort and money spent to bring these PA young people into mission for the salvation of souls.

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