Sunday, April 24, 2011

"He is Risen Indeed," is Not Enough

There is a tradition among some Christians today, to greet one another on this day when most of the Christian world celebrates the resurrection of our Savior, with words such as this:
“He is risen!” one Christian will declare to another Christian.
The second Christian will respond, “He is risen indeed!”

I had a good Protestant friend in South Carolina who loved to greet me and Jeanne with this phrase on Resurrection Sunday every year.

But I was convicted to say more than just, “He is risen indeed!” in response.
I used to respond, “He is risen indeed. He ascended to the right hand of the throne of God, is now interceding in the Heavenly Sanctuary for us, and is coming soon in the clouds of Glory!”

She always smiled at me with a look that seemed to say, “You aren’t following ‘the script’ but I can’t fault you for saying that.”

You see, as an Adventist, I rejoice in the resurrection of Christ. “ If Christ be not raised, then our hope is in vain…”God’s word says (1 Corinthians 15). And yet, the resurrection of Christ is only part of the marvelous story. His work and intercession for us in the Sanctuary as our High Priest is assuring. His soon coming, where the Lord Himself will descend, with all the angels, with the trumpet call of God that raises the righteous dead, and we are all caught up to meet the Lord in the air and ever be with Him is the fulfillment of the blessed hope that I look forward to. (1 Thessalonians 4)

Not only do I look back to the surety of Christ’s resurrection, but I look upward to His priestly intercession, and I look forward to His personal appearing for my gathering into the presence of His glory.

I am an Adventist! I can’t just say, “He is risen indeed”—as magnificent as that is. I must declare, “He is risen indeed. And He ascended to the right hand of the throne of God, is now interceding in the Heavenly Sanctuary for us, and is coming soon in the clouds of Glory!”

How about you?

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