Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The following was shared with the family of Dr. Russell Youngberg at a memorial service conducted for him in the Hamburg Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sabbath afternoon:

May 14, 2011

Regrettably, I am away and unable to share this tribute in person.

Dr. Youngberg was one of those unique individuals that combined 3 traits in abundance.
A love of learning.
A love of teaching.
A love of service for God.

His life will not be measured by what we say today, or by what we even know of him. For only in eternity can the results of his dedication to his love of learning, his love of teaching and his love for serving God be known.

Many know that he was a teacher in the Adventist medical school in Mexico. I found out a few years ago, that my brother-in-law, Bill Hamilton had been one of his students, and he very fondly remembers the life and teaching of Dr. Youngberg.

Yet just as a teacher influences the life of his students, what will not be known until the history of eternity is laid open, will be the lifes of countless others throughout the Americas and beyond that have been uplifted and made better because of the influence of this teacher upon the lifes of his students, and those students in turn went forward, bringing health, education, life changes and ultimately, inspiration in the kingdom of heaven.

I always enjoyed talking with Dr. Youngberg and listening to him teach the Sabbath School lesson here in the Hamburg Church. You could tell that he was constantly picking up new ideas, concepts and information. He was a learner. Continually seeking ways to put things together, seeking new ways to present things, seeking new ways to serve mankind. He would read widely and from that study, bring forth items of interest.

His contributions in the Pennsylvania Conference have been many. Foremost would be his leadership along with Dr. Jones in establishing the Reading Rehabilitation Hospital, which for years was a premier rehab hospital in this area. When the Reading Rehabilitation Hospital was sold in the 1990’s and transitioned into a health and wellness ministry, Dr. Youngberg continued to serve on the board of the new organization as an enthusiastic proponent of health education. What was most striking was his Christian spirit and attitude throughout the transition process. After pouring heart, soul and personal resources into the establishing of the Reading Rehabilitation Hospital, and then watching the day come when the ministry transitioned from the hospital to a smaller health education organization, some founders might have become bitter or antagonistic. But Dr. Youngberg continued to champion the new organization and sought ways to help it to thrive. Even now, his example through this process continues to teach us who carry on, of a godly way to handle change with grace and support.

We have recently lost a family member, ministry founder, a teacher, a doctor, a church member, a visionary and a friend.

But we have gained so much having been associated with him. Even though today he is gone, resting until the resurrection of the sleeping saints when Jesus comes, we are the richer. And like Dr. Youngberg, may we who carry on, make the world the better for having lived in it.

 Ray Hartwell, Pennsylvania Conference president

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