Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Non-functional Jewelry and the Adventist Christian

Non-functional jewelry and the Adventist Christian
(Something other than a watch, cuff links, wedding band, tie tac/bar, health

What wearing non-functional jewelry is NOT:

• It is not necessarily a barometer of a person’s commitment or deep
• It is not a moral equivalent to the 10 commandments.
• It is not a test of fellowship or church membership.
• It is not just what women and men wear on their person.
(It can also include expensive cars, a 4 wheel drive truck with a gun rack, a
house larger than necessary, a Rolex instead of a Timex, a “trophy wife” or
husband, or anything thought to make a statement or show a status in life.)
• It is not able to fill the sense of inadequacy—which only Jesus Christ can fill.
• It is not able to make us more attractive – as compared to being a loving and
loveable Christian.
• It is not able to provide us a true source of well-being.
• It is not to keep us from seeing a cherished, loved and sought-for Child of Jesus

What not wearing non-functional jewelry IS:

• It is a principal taught in the Holy Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy.
• It is a way for a Christian to express with their own person—that Jesus supplies
all of my personal self-image needs.
• It is a way for a Christian to live by a principle of asking, “Do I really need
this as a steward of God’s goods?”
• It is a way to express that a Christian has priorities that are higher than
fitting in to current cultural expectations.
• It is a way of demonstrating the freedom a Christian has in Christ from secular
influences and orientations that are not necessary.
• It is a reminder to live a simple lifestyle in all things. (Live simply – so
others may simply life.)

Not wearing non-functional jewelry -- It is a principle I am glad to live by!


LNTBB said...

I can appreciate the what NOT wearing jewelry IS. Having come through many years of "discussion" over the topic, complete with disgust and rebellion and guilt. My comfort level is now in realizing that in simplification, recognizing what is most important and what's a waste of precious time, is the easiest position to live with.
Thanks for the thoughts.

Linda Taliaferro

Einstein's Brain said...

The Scriptures are not completely against jewelry. There are many verses that support wearing it. Many godly people in the Bible wore jewelry. Daniel, Solomon, Rebecca, etc. Anti-jewelry is something that only comes from EGW. It is her opinion and from her time period. I don't think it deserves a debate.
I do think that we shouldn't spend lots of time and money on jewelry though.